Re: Security problems in ISDN equipment authentication

From: Josh Bailey (jbaileyat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 11 1999 - 12:30:48 PST

  • Next message: Posick, Steve: "Re: open socket in java"

    On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, David Schwartz wrote:
    > 	Ascend determines whether to bond a new incoming PPP connection with a
    > previous connection based upon the 'endpoint identifier'. As I recall, they
    > claimed that they had to do this because they had to decide whether to bond
    > or not _before_ they received any other authentication information.
    First off, I'm not speaking officially for Ascend. :-) If you want an
    official assurance you should give our TAC a call and they will be able to
    put you through to someone authoritative.
    I spoke to two engineers involved in Ascend's MP implementation just now.
    While indeed the behaviour you specified was true in pre 4.6 software
    (current version is 7), this issue has been resolved by including
    authentication information along with the client's given endpoint.
    This has been the case for nearly three years now.
    Nonetheless, if you believe there's still a problem, please open a ticket
    with us (or just mail me) with the precise details on how to reproduce it.
    - --
    Josh Bailey (mailto:joshat_private)
    Principal Engineer (Access), APAC            Voice:        +61-3-9656-7000
    Ascend Communications, Inc 		     Fax:          +61-3-9656-7006
    Level 38, ANZ Tower, 55 Collins St           Mobile:       +61-417-128-921
    Melbourne, Australia                         PGP:    SEND FILE jbailey.asc
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