Re: ISS Internet Scanner Cannot be relied upon for conclusive

From: Brian Koref (briankat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 11 1999 - 19:07:52 PST

  • Next message: Rodrigo Campos: "Re: [proftpd-l] root compromise ? (fwd)"

    Network and System security IS NOT a point solution.  ISS
    scanner is just one tool. I know I'll never fully secure any one
    system, let alone entire disparate enterprises comprised of
    multitues of various modern and legacy OS/hardware/software,
    rogue programs, etc...To keep up with with patches, security bugs,
    poorly written C, CGI and perl scripts, rogue java applets is
    frustrating and a full time job...
    I know this isn't quite the forum for the above comment, but I do
    want to mention a thought regarding banners.  I know of some
    sysadmins, who change the banners for sendmail, ftp, telnet, imap, "disguise" services.  I'm a little concerned about false
    negatives, if scanner uses the "assumption" model for some of it's
    scanning methodology.  If the tool behaves in that fashion, then it
    should be noted in the report...BK

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