Re: Microsoft Access 97 Stores Database Password as Plaintext

From: Ian Smith (Smithat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 12 1999 - 06:17:14 PST

  • Next message: Joel Eriksson: "Re: ISS Internet Scanner Cannot be relied upon for conclusive"

    On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Billy Naylor wrote:
    >  Why pay money for something so simple ?
    > #!/usr/bin/perl
    > #
    > # Sets empty disk space to zero
    One problem is most Windows boxes don't have Perl. (I love Perl.. I have
    it on all MY Windows and Unix boxes, but thats just me)  Another is that
    if you try that on a production NT server, once the disk gets full enough,
    it will cause any programs trying to write to disk to fail.  It also does
    not erase the unallocated portions of the swap file.  Also, don't run this
    program during your nightly backup! :-)
    Also if you are truly paranoid and want to wipe the disk out against any
    possibility of recovery, the Perl script is not enough as the drive can be
    taken apart and the data extracted unless you are VERY careful to run
    cryptographicly strong random numbers at the drive multiple times, making
    sure to also use patterns to toggle the bits the required number of times.
    If the security of a server is not worth $10, why even bother? :-)
    Now, on Unix if you are paranoid, you could modify the kernel source so
    that when a file is unlinked, it scrubs the sectors with random garbage
    before freeing the blocks.  Not sure how massive a performance hit that
    would be though.
    IanSmithat_private                                  Visit Below!
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