Another Windows98 Bug (Cont'd)

From: Scott (smcat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 12 1999 - 17:37:57 PST

  • Next message: James Troup: "[SECURITY] New version of wu-ftpd fixes buffer overflow"

        The easiest way to get rid of one of these files with an 'extra long'
    filename, is to drag it to the recycle bin (that seemed to work fine for me)
    All I did to create the long filename is right click on the desktop
    filename, go to 'rename', and copy and paste chr(160) many times until
    nothing would paste anymore.  (note: this DOES work with other alpha-numeric
    characters.  This must just be bad error checking by Microsoft
    I used Start->Find, and located the long file, I clicked once on it to
    select it, and Find crashed, but Explorer didn't seem to crash (or give me
    any errors)
    Also, I renamed an executable file to give it the same size long filename,
    leaving the last 3 characters as '.exe'.  Explorer didn't crash when I
    clicked on it, the program ran fine, and menu didn't come up when I right
    clicked on it.
    Shortcuts do not seem to be affected by it, but I did try another file type
    with an association (.jpg), and it ran the program associated with it, but
    wouldn't let me right click on it.

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