Quake client killer

From: Tim Fletcher (tim@NIGHT-SHADE.DEMON.CO.UK)
Date: Tue Feb 16 1999 - 13:25:47 PST

  • Next message: Timothy Doane: "Re: ICQ99 crash"

    Not sure if this is news but I have found a way to take down remote quake
    clients (Win95) very simply with little evidence left behind. Basicly you
    write a few hundred k of data to one of the udp listening ports and
    quake dies and up pops a little dialog box saying:
    A network error has occured
    I found this over the weekend while admining a small LAN party were
    everything worked too well so I got bored hence tried out of curiousity
    dd if=/dev/zero | nc -u client 27501
    I haven't tried this on NT / Linux / Other clients or games, it appers
    on Win98 and Win95 and has no effect on servers that I can tell, thou
    nothing is logged.
    I wonder if the effect only appers if done from the server because I
    didn't have time to try much out and the normal connection for quake is
    client:27001 -> server:27500
    And I was working on the server.
          Tim Fletcher                  .~.
                                        /V\       L   I   N   U   X
       tjdf@st-andrews.ac.uk           // \\  >Don't fear the penguin<
    tim@night-shade.demon.co.uk       /(   )\
    Justice is incidental to law and order.
                    -- J. Edgar Hoover

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