ISS forum

From: Christopher Klaus (cklausat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 18 1999 - 15:10:21 PST

  • Next message: Dag-Erling Smorgrav: "Re: traceroute as a flooder"

    At ISS, we appreciate the feedback on ISS Internet Scanner.  This helps us
    build a better higher quality product.
    There are two actions we are taking based on recent ISS discussion threads.
    1) Next month, ISS will be releasing a new version of Internet Scanner 5.8.
     It will include over 60 new Unix vulnerability checks and with your
    feedback, there are added enhancements that will help users know more
    conclusively whether a vulnerability exists, or ISS Scanner was not able to
    check for them, thus to reduce possible false negatives.
    We are investigating whether the bruteforce EOF issue still exists, and if
    so, it will be fixed.
    2) Part of our Customer Connect program, ISS has set up a mailing list, ISS
    Forum, for users of our products to discuss issues and implementation of
    our products, including the ISS Internet Scanner.  To subscribe, send an
    email to majordomoat_private and within the body of the message, type:
    subscribe issforum
    This provides an appropriate forum for discussing Internet Scanner issues
    and implementation of ISS products among people who use it.   Additionally,
    we will have ISS support reading ISS Forum to help and respond to anyone
    with questions.
    Christopher Klaus
    Christopher Klaus - cklausat_private
    Internet Security Systems, Inc. - (678-443-6000)
    Adaptive Network Security for the Enterprise

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