Microsoft's SMTP service broken/stupid

From: Chris Adams (cadamsat_private)
Date: Sun Mar 14 1999 - 18:49:30 PST

  • Next message: Kerb: "GLPro.exe spam fix"

    Our mail servers came to a screeching halt today thanks to Microsoft.
    Our servers are still running sendmail 8.8 (we've got custom stuff and
    are working on upgrading to 8.9, but it has been slow), so any kind of
    DNS error (like invalid reverse DNS) returns a 4xx error - temporary
    problem.  When we get a message like this, the sending site will requeue
    the message and try again in 30 minutes to an hour.  After a bit, they
    stop trying.  It is not a perfect solution, but it is all that is
    available under sendmail 8.8 (sendmail 8.9 differentiates between
    temporary and permanent DNS errors).
    Well, that has been fine, but now Microsoft's SMTP service comes along.
    When it gets that temporary error (for invalid reverse DNS), it tries
    again.  Fast.  Like, right away, with no delay.  This bogs down our
    servers a bit, especially the extra logging load, but eventually they go
    Yesterday, we got hit by four different servers running Microsoft's
    software.  One attempted delivery nearly 200,000 times, and the other
    three attempted to 30,000-40,000 times each.  This on a server that
    usually sees ~40,000 messages a day.  This filled up our logs, bogged
    everything down, and basically killed us.
    This is not a configuration issue AFAIK.  In the past, I've worked
    through it with one person, and he said he bumped up his retry time to 3
    hours and his server was still attempting multiple deliveries per
    This basically amounts to a denial of service attack by Microsoft's SMTP
    service.  Here is the connect string from several of the servers that
    hit us (I've changed the hostname): Microsoft SMTP MAIL ready at Sun, 14 Mar 1999 21:44:02 -0500 Version: 5.5.1877.977.9
    I was able to connect to several of the SMTP servers that hit us and
    they are all running this version.  Several of them don't accept
    incoming connections (gee thanks - send me junk and don't accept any
    I haven't been able to find anything at Microsoft about this.  I would
    think that attempting several outgoing connections per second would tend
    to bog down the NT server as well, so I figured they might have
    mentioned it.  Has anybody else seen this?
    Chris Adams - cadamsat_private
    System Administrator - Renaissance Internet Services
    I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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