Re: Microsoft's SMTP service broken/stupid

From: Alan Brown (alanat_private)
Date: Tue Mar 16 1999 - 22:47:52 PST

  • Next message: Bob Beck: "Re: Microsoft's SMTP service broken/stupid"

    On Sun, 14 Mar 1999, Chris Adams wrote:
    > Well, that has been fine, but now Microsoft's SMTP service comes along.
    > When it gets that temporary error (for invalid reverse DNS), it tries
    > again.  Fast.  Like, right away, with no delay.  This bogs down our
    > servers a bit, especially the extra logging load, but eventually they go
    > away.
    > Yesterday, we got hit by four different servers running Microsoft's
    > software.  One attempted delivery nearly 200,000 times, and the other
    > three attempted to 30,000-40,000 times each.  This on a server that
    > usually sees ~40,000 messages a day.  This filled up our logs, bogged
    > everything down, and basically killed us.
    What's needed is judicious tuning of these configuration items:
    # load average at which we just queue messages
    O QueueLA=8
    # load average at which we refuse connections
    O RefuseLA=12
    The above two default to 8 and 12
    # maximum number of children we allow at one time
    O MaxDaemonChildren=12
    # maximum number of new connections per second
    O ConnectionRateThrottle=3
    If the above two aren't defined, there are no limits.
    Also useful for load control are these two items:
    # deliver each queued job in a separate process?
    #O ForkEachJob
    # single thread deliveries (requires HostStatusDirectory)?
    #O SingleThreadDelivery

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