ADM Worm. Worm for Linux x86 found in wild.

From: Ben Cantrick (Macky Stingray) (mackysat_private)
Date: Thu Mar 25 1999 - 15:26:59 PST

  • Next message: Alex Yu: "comment about ftp exploit"

    1. Summary
      On the week of 3/7, a polite mail from a system administrator at a
    company in Russia tipped me off to one of our Redhat boxes portscanning
    one of their subnets. Subsequent investigation found that a worm had
    infected the offending box and was attempting to propagate itself.
    2. Further info
      The worm seems to be a few binaries working together with some
    bourne shell scripts. The main file seems to be one called "admw0rm,"
    which is a shell script and not a binary.
      Identifying strings found in the files include:
    # ADM Inet w0rm
    # Linux X86 spef..  anyway it's my first w0rm :)
    # ver 0.1
    # i'm not responsable of the usage of diz w0rm !!!
    # greetz: to  all blondes with the short hairs who look's good =), the netg
    # sistah, all of the handrail's i'll slide, all of the sweden chix i'll fuk ;)
    # and The ADM Crew oooooooofffffff course heh
    # ********************* THE CREW WILL NEVER DIE ***************************
    SAY="The ADM Inet w0rm is here !"
    --= The ADM CreW =--
    %s victim arg0 arg1 ...
    ex:sploits /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -display
      The worm is particularly amusing in that when run, along with
    portscanning, wiping logs, and all the other usual things you'd expect
    a worm to do, it also hunts for files with a .html suffix and inserts the
    contents of the "SAY" variable (above) into them, over-writing whatever is
      Other infection symptoms include a ".w0rm0r/" subdir and suid root copy
    of /bin/sh named ".w0rm" in /tmp, and possibly a
    "w0rm::2666:777:ADM Inet w0rm:/:/bin/sh" entry in your passwd file.
      As far as I can tell, the worm is capable of detecting several well-known
    vunerabilities. The logs the Russian company sent us, and the logs that the
    worm itself kept, would seem to indicate it's scanning IMAP ports. It
    also seems to be scanning POP, rsh/rlogin, telnet and FTP ports, finger,
    gopher, etc...
      Once it's into your system, the worm presumably begins to scan and look
    for vunerable machines again. How it picks the IP addresses to scan is not
    presently known to me. Presumably, the "gimmieip" binary takes care
    of that. Someone with more time can dissect it and post the results.
      Here is a file I found on the infected machine called "/tmp/outro" - it
    appears to be a log that the worm kept as it probed some system.
    Load the config file...
    Mail Test
    CGI Test
    Telnet Test
    Xwin test
    Samba test
    RPC test
    Imapd Test
    Ftp Test
    Ftp test: root writable test
    Ftp test:ftpsearch
    Config loaded...
    scan of XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX		[IP obscured to protect the guilty. -Ben]
    ----  port open ----
    port 109 open
    port 110 open
    port 111 open
    port 113 open
    port 143 open
    port 21 open
    port 23 open
    port 37 open
    port 513 open
    port 514 open
    port 70 open
    port 79 open
    FTP IS OPEN! Port: 21
    is not a ftpd
    TELNET IS OPEN! Port: 23
    -- telnet --
    Red Hat Linux release 5.2 (Apollo)
    Kernel 2.0.36 on an i586
    FINGER IS OPEN! Port: 79
    finger: .: no such user.
    finger: search.**: no such user.
     >>> Fingering all userz <<<
    [List cut to protect the guilty. -Ben]
    >>> Fingering guest account <<<
    finger: guest: no such user.
    >>> Fingering bbs account <<<
    finger: bbs: no such user.
     >>> Fingering root account <<<
    Login: root           			Name: root
    Directory: /root                    	Shell: /bin/bash
    On since Mon Feb 22 08:03 (EST) on tty2   9 seconds idle
         (messages off)
    No mail.
    No Plan.
       proggie verz pr0t0   da port
        100000    2   tcp    111  rpcbind
        100000    2   udp    111  rpcbind
    the imapd is overflowable !
    rlogind is here
    rshd is here too
    3. Prevention and Disinfection
      At first glance, it would appear that this worm would seem to rely on
    well-known vunerabilities, particularly buffer overflows of SUID root
    daemons. If this is indeed the case, prevention would seem to be as simple
    as making sure you have the latest versions of your daemons.
      You do keep your daemons up to date, don't you? You do read Bugtraq and
    CERT to know which ones are vunerable, don't you? Of course you do! You're
    a good system administrator! You stay on top of things like that! You
    obviously have *nothing* to worry about.
      As far as disinfection, I have not had time to work up a disinfection
    procedure. It could be as simple as rebooting to single-user and deleting
    all the worm's binaries out of /tmp, where it seems to keep them. On the
    other hand, I'm not going to say anything for sure because I haven't
    had time to do my homework and properly toy with this thing and figure
    out how it works.
    4. Where you can get a copy to play with
      I hesitate to release an even partly intact or even moderately functional
    version of this worm, because I'm sure that the script kiddies will eventually
    get their hands on it, no matter how hard I try to filter requests. So, I've
    decided to throw it out with no restrictions. I'm releasing as much of the
    worm as I have, which I estimate to be about is about 75-90% of the it, to
    the wilds of the net via Bugtraq. Call me irresponsible if it makes you
    feel better. But I honestly think that the best way to make vendors get off
    their asses and repair vunerabilities is to publish them widely so that it's
    either fix the holes NOW or get rooted. (I should note at this point that
    I found the worm on a Redhat 5.2 box. Are you running Redhat 5.2?)
      The files I have can be retrieved at:
      This FTP server is on a low-speed line, and there is a 5 user
    simultanious limit. Keep trying. I assume someone will mirror the files
    to a faster server and announce the location here on Bugtraq for everyone's
      As for me, I'm rather busy at work. This worm is more of an intellectual
    curiosity for me than anything else, as it seems to be mostly benign. I'd
    appreciate it if nobody would bug me about this any further, please. You
    know where to get samples, and after reading this mail you know as much
    the worm as I do.
    Ben Cantrick, mackysat_private
    "Pathological techno-fetishist with social deficit" at large.
    Net.ronin, philosoph and garbageman.

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