Re: FrontPage + Apache + FreeBSD

From: Gregory A. Carter (omniat_private)
Date: Fri Mar 26 1999 - 08:08:26 PST

  • Next message: Roberto Grassi: "Re: FrontPage + Apache + FreeBSD"

    On Fri, 26 Mar 1999, Roberto Grassi wrote:
    (re)  And if you don't use ServerAlias directive? It happen again?
    (re)  We have configured Apache with FP98 extension on our FreeBSD but
    (re)  it doesn't appear to suffer the problem you expose.
    (re)  I gatered FP98 extension informations from
    Yep checked the discussion forums and there isn't any threads on it.  Have
    you tried adding a ServerAlias to it then going to the alias itself
    successfully?  Also what version of FreeBSD/Apache are you running it's
    possible this is an Apache or OS level problem that we're experiencing for
    some reason.
    It appears as if Apache is taking the domain portion of the alias and
    recognizing that it belongs under the virtual hosted site, however since
    the extensions aren't installed for the name of the alias it's defaulting
    the browser to the main root web.  Thus it's using the virtual hosts
    permissions but applying them to the main root web.  Tis the only thing I
    can think of, but I would think that it would be doing it on other
    machines as well.
    The machine it's on right now is running Apache 1.3.2 under FreeBSD
    3.1-STABLE branch, just installed it clean as it's  new web server.
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