Re: abuse of nickserv

From: StudNo1 (studno1at_private)
Date: Thu Mar 25 1999 - 19:07:08 PST

  • Next message: Gregory A. Carter: "Re: FrontPage + Apache + FreeBSD"

    I am a DALnet Csop. Let me clarify something. No one should ever use /msg to
    services on dalnet.  DALnet has had built into the ircd for about a year now
    the command /nickserv /chanserv and /memoserv to replace the need for /msg.
    If these are used as has been advised for along time there will be no
    problems at all with this.  Just a FYI.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Nelson Little <nel74at_private>
    To: BUGTRAQat_private <BUGTRAQat_private>
    Date: Thursday, March 25, 1999 7:47 PM
    Subject: abuse of nickserv
    >Many people that IRC on Dalnet have scripts which automatically identify
    >their nicknames via "/msg nickserv identify your_password" This works fine,
    >however,if you also IRC on Undernet you can run into a problem. Undernet
    >has no nickserv so if someone on Undenet decides to use the nick "nickserv"
    >they will be exposed to countless passwords from all the people that
    >automatically identify themselves. Once the evil user has these passwords
    >they can jump on Dalnet and steal that person's nick and change the
    >password. With a bit of brain power, and I won't go into how, they can also
    >abuse op in any channels that person has op access in.
    >Dalnet has been advised and starting on April 15th, you'll need to identify
    >to NickServ using /msg NickServat_private IDENTIFY instead of just
    >using /msg NickServ IDENTIFY.
    >All the other IRC networks that I tested have a nickserv bot which halts
    >the abuse mentioned above.

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