XFree86 3.3.3 on RedHat 5.2. Why is RedHat waiting??

From: Domas Mituzas (midomat_private)
Date: Mon Mar 29 1999 - 08:04:44 PST

  • Next message: Warren Barrow: "Re: Possible security hole"

    I'm observing RedHat Linux errata and still I
    do not find any news about XFree 3.3.3 server.
    I have rpm
    [midom@flag /tmp]$ rpm -q XFree86
    (latest available from RedHat errata page)
    why is RedHat delaying release of this package
    as it smells like root takeover (it was too easy
    to change /etc/ and /etc/passwd permissions to
    something neat).
    So again everyone should know, that there are
    other than vendor-provided security pages, as
    there is no information about fixing bug even
    in one of most important Linux sites.
    This is cross-platform bug, as I found it in
    all OS that run XFree86 3.3.3 server. As far as
    I know it is on every Linux distribution (especially
    newest ones) and BSD's.
      With respect,
      Domas Mituzas
      aka dammit

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