Re: more procmail

From: Kragen Sitaker (kragenat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 06 1999 - 18:50:03 PDT

  • Next message: Paul Szabo: "Re: Digital Unix 4.0E /var permission"

    Chris Evans writes:
    > As a comment I would suggest anyone running procmail with elevated
    > privs either
    > a) Needs their head examined or
    > b) Hasn't read the code.
    Procmail is generally not useful when running on behalf of the person
    who wrote the email it's being given as input.
    When it is running on behalf of someone else, which is the usual case,
    it has privileges that the sender did not.
    In my book, that means it's running with elevated privs.
    Common examples of this situation:
    - filtering your incoming mail with procmail
    - running a mailbox (of mail from other people) through procmail
    <kragenat_private>       Kragen Sitaker     <>
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