Re: RH Linux telnet problems

From: Jamie Lawrence (jalat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 15 1999 - 16:27:33 PDT

  • Next message: Dalvenjah FoxFire: "Re: RH Linux telnet problems"

    At 03:30 AM 4/15/99 -0800, Rui Ribeiro wrote:
    >Today, when trying to log into a machine, I mistakenly used telnet over ssh.
    >True, the RH 5.2 box is configured for not allowing root login. The only
    >problem is that is still asks for the password after learning root is
    >logging. It denied access only after the password was introduced.
    >It should issue a error and not ask for the password, since otherwise it's
    >defeating the whole purpose of denying root telnet access. The purpose, of
    >course, it's preventing the raw transmission over the communication media.
    Sniffing the wire is only part of the reason for disallowing
    root login.
    Other good reasons to make a user authenticate as a non privileged
    user first:
     - Prevent remote brute force attacks on the root password
     - Provide more of an audit trail to attempted root logins
     - Require two password compromises instead of one.
    I agree, though, that not asking for the password would be better.
    I don't know of a telnet daemon that does this, however.

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