Re: AOL Instant Messenger URL Crash

From: Adam Herscher (adamat_private)
Date: Wed Apr 21 1999 - 18:07:12 PDT

  • Next message: Marc Lehmann: "Re: Bash Bug"

    >I'm sorry if I was unclear in my first post.  The only way I've seen to
    >exploit this is to send someone a hyperlink in the form of
    >aim:addbuddy?=screenname and have them click on it.  (replacing
    >with an actual screen name seems to give the same result)  You can also set
    >up a web page that will redirect your victim to a client crashing URL once
    >they've caught on to your evil little scheme. :p  I set up an example of
    >this at for testing purposes, of course.
    >Adam Brown
    This doesn't seem to work on the Mac versions (tested 2.01.644)
    Adam Herscher (ajh-)

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