Anyboard ( problem's publicly discussed in

From: Bluefish [@ home] ([@)
Date: Fri Apr 23 1999 - 18:55:39 PDT

  • Next message: Dagmar d'Surreal: "Re: Ffingerd privacy issues"

    Draz Q published a short summary of problems with a webrelated software in
    eurohack. Basicly it sounds pretty much like a common CGI problem. It
    does not give user or root access, only the ability to fake/modify just
    about anything showed by the program. However, in the parts left out by me
    Draz Q mentiones a great many sites (including commercial sites) exposed
    to the vulnarbility.
    Anyboard Forum Security Hazard - POSTED ON  Eurohack and Radikal 23/04/99
    by draz Q.
    Anyboard by Netbula (
    After using the Anyboard Forum at my own page (
    a while I've found a "little" (?) flaw in it that allows _anyone_ to get
    admin login and password. This is because the forum CFG file is available
    This, allows anyone to,
    - Delete messages in the forum (purge the whole forum)
    - Modify messages
    - Write messages as Admin
    - Change admin login and password
    - In short, do anything in the Message forum
    [] ealliance$ || 11a$

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