Re: AS/400

From: Pavel Ahafonau (paullyat_private)
Date: Wed May 05 1999 - 04:34:40 PDT

  • Next message: laqat_private: "Re: wuftp2.4.2academ beta 12-18 exploit"

    >I played around with smtp on a as/400+domino machine and found two
    >obvious bugs, then notified IBM, revieved a ptf, then posted here.
    >1:  telnet (host) 25, then start feeding chars. After about 200-300
    >chars the smtp-subsystem will die, needing to be restarted.
    >2:  change your replyto-address and fromaddress to an non-existing
    >user/domain then mail to an non-existing user on the 400/domino. This
    >will cause the mail to loop endlessly between the smtp-subsystem and the
    >domino subsystem.
    This is good known bug which is not related to AS/400 at all.
    This causes to die only Lotus Domino 4.6.1.
    I've tried to kill our Lotus Domino 4.6.4 and it still alive ~80)
    As for SMTP and Lotus Notes/Domino this is a big problem for it's users
    because there no any anti-spam protection like in Sendmail.
    Now we are playing with 5th Lotus Domino and there are all this bugs fixed
    and anti-spam implemented ~80)
    Best regards,
    Paully A. Ahafonau.
    International Business Alliance (

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