Domino [was: AS/400]

From: Magosanyi Arpad (magat_private)
Date: Thu May 06 1999 - 23:44:11 PDT

  • Next message: Adam Maloney: "wu-ftpd exploit fix"

    A levelezőm azt hiszi, hogy Pavel Ahafonau a következőeket írta:
    > As for SMTP and Lotus Notes/Domino this is a big problem for it's users
    > because there no any anti-spam protection like in Sendmail.
    > Now we are playing with 5th Lotus Domino and there are all this bugs fixed
    > and anti-spam implemented ~80)
    There are still problems with Domino anti-spam: If you send a smtp mail
    to a domino user who's forwarding address is a smtp address, the domino
    smtp MTA will reject the message.
    This is security related only by the fact that most of the notes admins
    will choose to disable anti-spam after encountering this problem first.
    GNU GPL: csak tiszta forrásból

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