wu-ftpd exploit fix

From: Adam Maloney (adamat_private)
Date: Thu May 06 1999 - 12:19:48 PDT

  • Next message: Olaf Seibert: "Re: Windows NT Service Pack 5 Released"

    We evaluated the source to the exploit, and made some changes to
    realpath.c (found in the /src directory of the wu-ftpd tarball)   After
    making these changes, we tried the exploits again on 3 different
    machines (that we were able to compromise before) and could no longer
    get root.
    Interestingly enough, from the code that we saw, there was already code
    in the source to handle buffer overflows, but it wasn't implemented for
    all of the functions.
    Niether I nor my company make any guarantees that these changes will fix
    the buffer overflows.  I will say that we have not been able to gain
    root through the exploit posted since we made these changes.
    This diff is against wu-ftpd 2.4.2b18 (not a VC distro) Here's the diff:
    <             strcpy(result, namebuf);
    >             strncpy(result, namebuf, MAXPATHLEN);
    <                 strcpy(result, namebuf);
    >                 strncpy(result, namebuf, MAXPATHLEN);
    <             strcpy(result, namebuf);
    >             strncpy(result, namebuf, MAXPATHLEN);
    <     strcpy(result, workpath);
    >     strncpy(result, workpath, MAXPATHLEN);
    Adam Maloney
    Systems Administrator
    Internet Exposure, Inc.
    [612] 922.3126

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