Re: Netscape Communicator JavaScript in <TITLE> security

From: Forrest J. Cavalier III (mibsoftat_private)
Date: Tue May 25 1999 - 18:40:43 PDT

  • Next message: Bronek Kozicki: "Re: Advisory: NT ODBC Remote Compromise"

    > John's recipes are great tools; we recommend them. Only one problem:
    > Procmail does not work on NetNews. (If this exploit works in mail it
    > almost certainly works in news.... Scary thought.)
    > --Brett Glass
    I don't know if the exploit works with Usenet messages, but
    decent Usenet servers have filtering capabilities.
    INN had perl filtering hooks since at least 1995,
    and had easily modified code to analyze and reject
    messages based on headers since the beginning (1993.)
    In Usenet, generally most sites do not modify
    and sanitize messages, they just drop and reject them
    with just a message to the log, nothing else.  Since
    propagating modified messages, for whatever reason, is
    never acceptable, it becomes a problem to sanitize:
    it would mean keeping additional special copies around.
    A full Usenet feed is on the order of 1E6 messages
    per day, and nearly all are binaries (UUEncoded)  The John D.
    Hardin code looks solid, but might bog down a server
    if every Usenet message had to go through it.
    Personally, I don't think HTML (or binaries) belong
    on Usenet in the first place, so it's a simple policy
    to just drop posts containing HTML or UUencoding.  :-)
    Seriously, the Hardin perl code will drop pretty easily
    into INN, although I haven't tried it myself.
    See README.perl_hook in the INN distribution and
    modify the procmail selector lines to the appropriate
    perl instead, and return a reject code instead of
    mangling and rewriting.
    Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software, INN customization and
    consulting 'Pay-as-you-go' commercial support for INN: Only $64/hour!
    Searchable hypertext INN docs, FAQ, RFCs, etc: 650+ pages:

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