Re: Advisory: NT ODBC Remote Compromise

From: Bronek Kozicki (bronekat_private)
Date: Wed May 26 1999 - 09:56:05 PDT

  • Next message: Sergiu Popovici: "sendmail patch"

    I have run some testing. Seems to me that this error has been repaired in
    MSJET40, but exists in MSJET35. Effectively, if Jet 4 is installed (and it's
    used by ODBC) ther's no problem with .IDC files. If one does not have Jet 4
    and is using .IDC to open Jet databases (I have not verified this) I belive
    this is dangerous situation, described by Matthew Astley.
    Because MS Access 97 is using Jet 3.5 (even if Jet 4 is installed), the
    problem still can be seen there.
    If instead of .IDC (which is considered obsolete) one is using .ASP + ADODB,
    and ADODB provider used is "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51"  (i.e. older than
    "4.0") then problem still exists.
    It's worthy to notice that SQL implementation used in both Jet 4 and Jet 3.5
    is little different. Thus applications (in some situations) cannot be simple
    ported from one to another. One thing I found is different handling of
    single- and double-qoute character. MS still have not documented differences
    (or I had no luck to find it). AFAIK MS Jet 4 comes with  Microsoft Data
    Access 2.1 (MSDAC21).
    System: WinNT Wrkst 4 US, SP5 , IE5 , IIS 4 (Option Pack), ODBC MS Access
    Driver 4.00.3513.00, other (cursor library, administrator etc.) ODBC files
    Database: Access 97, Jet 3.51.2026.0 (I have also Jet 4.00.2115.25
    installed, but Access 97 uses older version)
    Table "guests" as described in Web SQL.
    Query "SecurityTest" as bellow:
      SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Guests WHERE LastName =
    What happens:
    - If I open the query under MS Access, it opens Notepad app and shows the
    (empty) resultset. So far mentioned SQL "feature" works.
    - If I use MSQRY32.EXE to open the database (), nothing more happen than
    showing the resultset (empty one).  The same if I run SQRY32 from within MS
    Excel ("Get Externala Data")
    - I created TEST.IDC file as bellow (and TEST.HTX, of course):
    Datasource: Web SQL
    Username: sa
    Template: details.htx
    +SELECT FirstName, LastName
    +FROM SecurityTest
    and opened it through HTTP. The only result is an empty resultset. I checked
    list of processes (using TLIST.EXE) and notepad was not run.
    - I created TEST2.IDC file as bellow:
    Datasource: Web SQL
    Username: sa
    Template: details.htx
    +SELECT FirstName, LastName
    +FROM Guests
    +WHERE LastName <> '|Shell("notepad.exe",1)|'
    the same. Notepad did not run.
    - I created very simple .ASP
    Param = Request.QueryString("Param")
    Data = Request.QueryString("Data")
    Set Conn1 = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    'strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51;Data
    strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
    strSQL = "SELECT FirstName , LastName FROM SecurityTest"
    Conn1.Open strConn
    Set RSet1 = Conn1.Execute(strSQL)
    Notice that there are 2 connection strings, one is used and the other
    commented out. Upper connection string ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51")
    is UNSAFE. When I opened .ASP it started NOTEPAD.EXE in the context of  WWW
    server. If WWW client can type-in any literal into HTML form, pass it to
    .ASP application (for exaple to be used in "WHERE" clause) and it remains
    non-parsed, then he/she will be able to run ANY code in the context of
    LocalSystem. If such a WWW server is also domain controller ... well, I'm
    bit scared to think about. Lower connection string
    ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0") seems to be safe.
    I hope somebody can verify my tests. Most important point is that while .IDC
    files are using current ODBC it strongly depends on configuration of the
    system. If Jet 4 is installed and is used by ODBC, we are safe. The same
    applies to .ASP + ODBC. On the other side is .ASP + ADODB, where Jet engine
    can be explicitly selected. If Jet older than 4 is used then we have
    dangerous situation. Fortunately in .ASP we can easily parse strings passed
    from WWW client (like Vittal Aithal did in JavaScript, but function will be
    run on the server side).
    Bronek Kozicki
    ICQ UID: 25404796            PGP KeyID: 0x4A30FA9A
    07EE 10E6 978C 6B33 5208  094E BD61 9067 4A30 FA9A
    : -----Original Message-----
    : From: Bugtraq List [mailto:BUGTRAQat_private]
    : Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 9:00 PM
    : To: BUGTRAQat_private
    : Subject: Advisory: NT ODBC Remote Compromise
    : --[ Advisory: NT ODBC Remote Compromise
    : --[ By Matthew Astley      [RCPS]
    : --[  & Rain Forest Puppy   [WireTrip]    rfpat_private
    : --[ Brief Summary
    : MS Jet database engine (which runs Access databases) allows an individual
    : to embed VBA in string expressions, which may allow the individual to run
    : commandline NT commands.  This, combined with the flaw of IIS running ODBC
    : commands as system_local allow a remote attacker to have full control of
    : the system.  Other webservers may be affected.  Many MS Jet engines are
    : affected, but may not lead to elevated priviledges.
    Here's something that does not work for me. ODBC is not using Jet "feature"
    run embed VBA expression. It seems to use different database engine.
    : --[ Background
    : ODBC allows a program flexible access to one or more relational databases
    : using SQL. If a client fails to quote correctly the meta characters in a
    : piece of data used in an SQL query, an attacker may be able to interfere
    : with the tables in the database (see MS SQL appension 'feature' in Phrack
    : 54, article 8).
    That's true, but not connected to the subject. Attacker seems not to use
    Jet, while "feature" exists just there. At least on my system.
    : However, the Microsoft "Jet" database engine (aka MS Access) provides some
    : extensions to SQL which allow the execution of VBA (Visual Basic for
    : Applications). This makes holes in meta character quoting code much more
    : interesting and dangerous.
    That's true.

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