Re: L0pht 'Domino' Vulnerability is alive and well

From: mtremblayat_private
Date: Thu Jul 08 1999 - 12:37:45 PDT

  • Next message: Wei Lu: "Re: sockd loopback"

    yep that's all true... yet I feel domino sites are quite secure for many other
    one of them being that domino is a very proprietary platform and that very few
    people know about common commands:
    notes:\?open would allow you to list all DBs on the server if not
    properly cfg... also note that mail files are almost always in a \mail dir wich
    may be accessible by\mail\?open, also note that mail files are
    almost always named by the mail username (wich you can get by any other relevant
    mean such as smtp "verfy let'ssaywebmaster") and of type .nsf (as are all other
    notes db files)... moreover (and finaly this is my point!!!), there is no such
    thing as a "locked" account (am i right, if not, i know for sure that the
    "locked" feature is not enable by default), so just have yourself a perl script
    that try\mail\webmaster.nsf?open
    with some brute force pcrack, and you're it!
    ps: this is fiction to a certain point, as I dont know the syntax of a url wich
    would feed the passwd/usern to the above location
    flames and applause welcome!!! ;)

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