aix 4.2 4.3.1, adb

From: GZ Apple (gzappleat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 12 1999 - 03:13:13 PDT

  • Next message: John Schuster: "Re: America Online Token Hole"

    Local users can halt the operating system by 'adb' command under my AIX
    Here's a simple C program:
            int i;
            for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
            return 0;
    I compiled the program and run 'adb':
    $ cc -g -o a.out a.c
    $ adb a.out -
    a.out: running
    Now host halted. AIX 4.2(IBM RS/6000 F50) and AIX 4.3.1(IBM RS/6000 S70)
    have 'adb' problem. But AIX 4.3.2 haven't the 'adb' problem. I have tested
    it under my AIX box. Is it bug of AIX 4.2, 4.3.1?
    GZ Apple                         mailto:gzappleat_private

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