Re: Shared memory DoS's (Redhat retraction)

From: Mike Perry (mikeperyat_private)
Date: Thu Jul 15 1999 - 15:36:39 PDT

  • Next message: Scott Weikart: "Re: Solaris libc exploit"

    I've been waiting all day for my post to be approved so I could post a
    retraction for Redhat Linux and its derivatives. :)
    It seems I forgot all about pam. Thanks to Mike Johnson of Redhat for bringing to my attention. Any distribution that uses pam can set limits
    to prevent this.
    However, other distributions like Slackware and the default debian install
    still need some method to set the RLIMIT_AS limit. You need to patch login.c
    and other methods of authentication (ssh & rlogin, etc), or replace the
    appropriate functions in the lshell distribution
    (, and wrap your shells
    accordingly. I still don't know what to do about dgb in that case. The
    alternative is to patch all your system shells and set the rlimits via the
    worldwide rc scrips.
    I've been told that pam patches do exist for ssh, but I don't have any urls.
    FreeBSD is completely vulnerable still. It provides no equalent to the Linux
    RLIMIT_AS (RLIMIT_VMEM under Irix), and checks no rlimits for mmap() and
    shmget. Still no word on OpenBSD.
    P.S. You can undefine __REALLY_FUXX0R__ in vmfuxx0r.c to stop the program from
    actually pagefaulting the maped memory, if you want to see OS's for which you
    have no kernel source enforce their rlimits for mmap. (the program will also
    safely unmap shared memory in this mode).
    P.P.S. You can do some very primitive ipc shares manipulation with ipcs(8) and
    ipcrm(8). ipcrm only allows you to remove indiviual IPC IDs. the --clean
    switch of vmfuxx0r removes all IPC IDs under Linux. (I tried to write
    additional functionality for other OS's, but it seems that the SysV IPC calls
    aren't very standardized for doing things like that).
    Mike Perry
    Proud user of both PGP 2.6.3i and GNU Privacy guard.
    Considering overthrowing any governments? Count me in!

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