Re: Redhat 6.0 cachemgr.cgi lameness

From: Daniel Fonseca (danielat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 27 1999 - 03:38:48 PDT

  • Next message: Emils Klotins: "Re: word 97 macrovirus protection problem"

    On 26-Jul-99 Kerb wrote this and I have to respond:
    > So,
    >  basically, what this Email is about is that I dont think that its just an RH
    > 6.0 specific issue, I think it involves all builds of Apache 1.3.6 (and
    > others?).  Also, it could have POSSIBLY been Squid, which I installed as a
    > proxy cache.  Just some thoughts....
    No. This _is_ a RedHat only issue as stated in the e-mail from Henrik, squid
    developer. Apache as nothing to do with it, also. It's just a web server that
    is able to run the cgi, but RH is responsible for putting "cachemgr.cgi" there;
    squid also does not put the cachemgr.cgi anywhere else but in it's install tree
    by default.
    Hope to help,
    Daniel Fonseca
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    Date: 27-Jul-99 Time: 11:33:32
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