Netscape Enterprise Server yeilds source of JHTML

From: Mnemonix (mnemonixat_private)
Date: Fri Jul 30 1999 - 13:47:20 PDT

  • Next message: Bill Nottingham: "[RHSA-1999:025-01] Potential misuse of squid cachemgr.cgi"

    Netscape Enterprise Server has introduced JHTML, the Netscape equivalent of
    Microsoft's Active Server Pages. On poorly configured sites it is possible
    to retrieve the unparsed source of these JHTML files. This problem affect
    3.5.1 and possibly other versions such as 3.6 on all platforms such as
    Windows NT and Solaris.
    Netscape Enterprise Server has a built-in search engine which is operational
    by default. This search
    engine uses Pattern (.pat) files to regulate and format the results. These
    pattern files can be found
    in the /search-ui/text directory. The search engine can be configured by
    editing these pattern files to
    return the whole document in the search results - however, this must be
    turned on by the Admin by making
    modifications to a "collection's" dblist.ini to point the NS-tocrec-pat to
    the HTML-tocrec-demo1.pat pattern
    file as per the Netscape documentation.
    It is possible, however, to build a special search request that will return
    the whole the document in the search
    results without this feature having to be turned on. In this way we can
    retrieve the source of JHTML files and
    other scripts.
    where A is the query e.g. the word "that" and B is the collection e.g.
    "Web+Publish" or "web_htm".
    Being fair to Netscape, in their documentation is states that
    HTML-tocrec-demo1.pat only displays HTML files - though this implies that if
    the file is not HTML, which JHTML is not just quite, it won't be displayed.
    This obviously is wrong.
    Another way is to get the source is to issue the request:
    where A is the collection without having to go through the rigmarole of
    playing around with HTML-tocrec-demo1.pat in the URL.
    The solution to this problem is to store all JHTML files (or other scripts)
    in a directory that is not indexed and be wary of the default Web Publishing
    collection. If you don't need the search capability of NSE then disable it.
    David Litchfield
    Arca Systems Inc, an Exodus Communications company

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