Re: Bay Annex-Pri Privacy Issues

From: Dick St.Peters (stpetersat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 11 1999 - 07:53:17 PDT

  • Next message: Bronek Kozicki: "Re: Some Thoughts About The "So Called" Excel97 ODBC Security"

    Eric Vyncke writes:
    > DNIS, Dialed Number ??, is the destination phone number a remote user
    >    is dialling to
    Dialed Number Identification Service, "dee-nis" digits or just
    "digits" in telcospeak.  They're used to route calls.  E.g., a company
    may have 100 phones on its PBX but expects never to have more than 24
    in use at the same time, so it has only one T1 (24 lines).  When a
    call comes in, the digits identify which phone was called.
    > CLID and DNIS are:
    > - provided by the Telco (and not 100% trustable -- the Telco could be
    >   hacked)
    Saying DNIS could be hacked is like saying the destination address of
    packets you get isn't trustable because your ISP's router could be
    hacked.  It could happen, but it's not likely to be the first or worst
    consequence.  You'd have bigger problems than incorrect DNIS.
    Dick St.Peters, stpetersat_private
    Gatekeeper, NetHeaven, Saratoga Springs, NY

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