DOS against SuSE's identd

From: Peter Eriksson (peterat_private)
Date: Tue Aug 17 1999 - 01:56:46 PDT

  • Next message: Ben Lull: "Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) Vulnerbility in BSDi 4.0.1"

    Hendrik Scholz <hendrikat_private> writes:
    >The inetd.conf starts the identd with the options -w -t120 -e.
    >This means that one identd process waits 120 seconds after
    >answering the first request to answer later request.
    >Lets say we start 100 requests in a short period.
    >Due to the fact that it takes time to answer one request
    >more identd's will be started each eating up about 900kb
    >memory and waiting 120 seconds before terminating.
    >I tested this behaviour on different machines with different
    >hardware (RAM, Swap, NIC).
    >Each machine becomes unusable after some seconds.
    >This bug is in _every_ SuSE Version at least since 4.4.
    >SuSE seems not to be interested in this bug becaus they
    >did not answer any of my mails.
    This bug is probably due to some incompatibility between
    SuSE's inetd daemons handling of 'stream tcp' & 'wait' servers
    and the way Pidentd expects it to be handled.
    The "normal" (as normal as it can be since 'stream tcp wait'
    normally is not a supported configuration) thing that should
    happen is that Inetd should start _one_ Pidentd, which then
    should handle all new requests in sub-processes, which should
    die immediately after the request has been handled. In the Suse
    case it seems (my guess) that Inetd keeps on starting new
    Anyway, I nowadays _generally_ recommend people to stay away from
    the "-w" stuff in Pidentd due to the problems with the behaviours
    of various Inetd implementations...
    I recommend instead that people get the latest version of Pidentd
    (version 3.0.7 as of this writing) which uses multithreaded instead
    of forking subprocesses - this can reduce the load on systems
    Pidentd 3.0.7 (and later) can be downloaded from:

    Here's the PGP Signature of that file:
    Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
    MessageID: D750KrTMC9lSc8xPJqIOoI5ldgh6QDYj
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
    /Peter (The Pidentd author)

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