Re: RH 6.0 shadow passwords and locking users bug

From: bandreggat_private
Date: Thu Sep 02 1999 - 06:10:58 PDT

  • Next message: Cristian Gafton: "SECURITY: RHSA-1999:033 Buffer overflow problem in the inews"

    [root@sideshow /root]# rpm -q shadow-utils
    [root@sideshow /root]# rpm -q pam
    Which are standard with 6.0 and I cannot reproduce this problem.
    On Mon, 30 Aug 1999 14:07:35 -0700, Prince Ctrl wrote:
    >I do not know whether this has been reported to the list, so I thought
    >I'd throw it out and see if anyone may know of a solution, and/or care
    >to have a technical discussion concerning this bug.
    >When administering a Red Hat 6.0 server and locking users with the
    >'passwd -l <user>' command, and then unlocking a user with the 'passwd
    >-u <user>' command, a control character is added to the end of a
    >users' encrypted password in the form of a "^Q" in the shadowed passwd
    >In our tests, we have found that this only occurs once the user has
    >been "unlocked". It happens whether you are using MD5 encryption or
    > doesn't matter.
    >I have forwarded this to our Sr. Systems Administrator who said he was
    >going to contact Red Hat today. Confirmation of that call is unknown.
    >OS affected/tested: Red Hat 6.0
    >Possible problem: It could either be the fact that the 'passwd' binary
    >is actually adding ^Q to the end of a users encrypted password, or it
    >may be something with the way pam is handling this. I know that pam
    >has some .so files which deal with shadowed passwords, but I am no pam
    >expert, so if anyone has some suggestions, corrections, etc., please
    >inform me...
    >Possible solution: Unknown
    >If anyone has any ideas on how to fix this, please let me know...
    >Security Administrator
    >Get your free address at
                     Bryan C. Andregg * <bandreggat_private> * Red Hat, Inc.
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