COM, Internet Explorer, NT4 and Windows 2000

From: Mnemonix (mnemonixat_private)
Date: Sun Sep 05 1999 - 18:31:58 PDT

  • Next message: Kerb: "Re: Netscape communicator 4.06J, 4.5J-4.6J, 4.61e Buffer Overflow"

    COM (the Component Object Model) allows client applications to communicate
    with server applications, regardless of the server's location - whether the
    server is in the client's process address space or on a remote computer
    across the other side of the planet. A good example of a COM's use is
    ActiveX. COM provides the basis of the underlying technology of ActiveX.
    When the author of a web page wants to embed an ActiveX control in their
    page they reference it by its CLASSID and create an instance of an object
    for it. The then use the new object's ID to use its functionality. ActiveX
    controls, and indeed all other COM based apps are registered in the Registry
    under HKCC\****.
    Now, instead of creating an object out of a registered ActiveX control, it
    is possible to do the following:
    Set WWObj = CreateObject("Word.Document")
    This HTML code creates a WWObj object using the registered Word.Document and
    conseqently Internet Explorer requests of  the (COM) Service Control Manager
    (RPCSS.EXE on NT4 and svchost.exe on Windows 2000) to start whatever app is
    registered with Word.Document which it does. Before WWObj.SaveAs() is run
    however Internet Explorer pops up a message about untrusted ActiveX controls
    and how you should run them. Fine - well not really because winword.exe is
    already running - open up the Task Manager to see it.
    >From here you have two choices. Clicking on "Yes" runs the rest of the code
    and a file called "mnemonix.doc" is created on the root of the C: drive. A
    definite please-don't-do-that-again - (Rhetoric: Would it take too much to
    write to the file and save it as - no macro warnings? hmmm.) On
    the other hand clicking on "No" terminates the app. What if we don't create
    a Word.Document object though?
    On Windows 2000 (Beta 3), and boy what a mess with COM there, there's a
    telnet server - but it's not started by default. No problem - send the user
    and HTML mail with
    In Outlook Express 5 even just highlighting the subject line will start the
    telnet service - even if a plain old user is logged on. Sure, the security
    message will popup but clicking on "No" doesn't terminate the service. (Nice
    back door? Incidently as far as I can tell, though I've not researched it
    enough yet - the telnet service uses the default DCOM security settings -
    anyone with a local account can remotely start the service)
    So what's the vulnerability or (ies) here? Well we can create an instance of
    an app on someone's machine (mspaint.exe, winword.exe, wordpad.exe, blah,
    blah - just look through the HKCR portion of the registry and you'll get the
    picture) or in some cases as many instances as we want. Excel for example -
    using a web page or e-mail that uses frames it's possible to create an
    instance of Excel for each frame - only 32 megs of RAM? - sheesh - get an
    upgrade ;-)
    Oh and we can start services too.
    I'm still playing around with this COM stuff - looks like it's going to be a
    lot of fun ;-)
    David Litchfield

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