Re: Netscape communicator 4.06J, 4.5J-4.6J, 4.61e Buffer Overflow

From: Kerb (kerbat_private)
Date: Mon Sep 06 1999 - 22:40:41 PDT

  • Next message: Alex Alvarez: "Re: RH 6.0 shadow passwords and locking users bug"

    I tried the URL for the notepad.exe on a Windows 95 (4.00.950a) machine,
    Pentium II 266 w/ 56 MB of RAM,
    using Netscape Communicator 4.05 Preview Release 1 (AWT 1.1.5) even though
    these are coded for Win98.  When I went
    there with NC 4.05, it gave me a blue screen of death that was completely
    unrecoverable.  I had to reboot the system.
    So, basically, it is a DoS for Netscape users, could possibly be coded into a
    CGI or Javascript that checks browser
    version and writes the corresponding exploit code.   Just a thought.
    On Thursday, September 02, 1999 9:46 AM, DEF CON ZERO WINDOW
    [SMTP:defcon0at_private] wrote:
    : Hi,
    :  I discovered a buffer overflow bug which causes huge security hole on the
    :  `Netscape communicator 4.06J, 4.5J - 4.6J, 4.61e( probably, a version 3.0
    :  after all )'.
    :  The problem of this application is in the handling of EMBED TAG, the buffer
    :  overflow is caused if the long string is specified at "pluginspage" option.
    :  I coded the exploit program to execute any command on the victim machine. I
    :  tested on the Windows98.
    :  However, this program specifies immediately the address of the system()
    :  function which is defined on the msvcrt.dll, this program does not work on
    :  the Windows machine which is installed the other version of msvcrt.dll (This
    :  program is for Version 6.00.8397).
    :  The reason that I specified the immediate address of the function is the
    :  buffer which can be written the exploit code is very short, the size of
    :  writable buffer is about 83 bytes. The buffer is too small to put the code
    :  which gets the address of the functions which are defined on the
    :  "msvcrt.dll".
    :  However, this problem will be solved if the code that searchs the attack
    :  and executes that code is put on the exploit code. The attack code also can
    :  be written on the other buffer.
    : # An attack code could be written in 2300 bytes to stack_bottom.
    :  The trojan or virus can be written on the attack code, this problem is very
    :  serious.
    :  In this case, the stack pointer (ESP) when the overflow is caused differs by
    :  the environment. So, the method of the RET address overwrites can not be
    :  to exploit. This example overwrites the handling address of the access
    :  violation, the exploit code is called when the access violation is caused.
    :  When the access violation is caused, the address of the exploit buffer is
    :  stored in the EBX register. So, I overwrite the handling address to the code
    :  that the "JMP EBX" instruction is written.
    :  You can quickly test this exploit on my site. I have prepared some versions
    :  of exploits that execute "welcome.exe" on your Windows98 machine. If you are
    :  user of the specified version of netscape, please test. I did not code the
    :  exploit program for the WindowsNT and Windows95, but they also contain same
    :  problem.
    : .. and, This problem can't be avoided.
    : [ exploit demo page ]
    : exec "welcome.exe" - nc4x_ex.c
    : exec "notepad.exe"
    : ---
    : [ exploit test ]
    : blue screen(int 01h)
    : [ document(japanese) ]
    : special thanks:
    : UNYUN( The Shadow Penguin Security )
    : --
    : : R00t Zer0 -           :
    : : E-Mail: defcon0at_private                                      :
    : : --                                                          -- :
    : : "HP/UX is the worst OS for the hacker..." - Mark Abene         :

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