Re: Yet another major Hotmail security hole - injectingJavaScript

From: Thomas Reinke (reinke@E-SOFTINC.COM)
Date: Thu Sep 23 1999 - 21:49:42 PDT

  • Next message: Speed: "Re: More fun with WWWBoard"

    Although this is certainly not elegant, (but in Microsoft's interest
    to do so), it sounds like they may want to consider directives
    that can be placed in a web page that _downgrade_ a browser's
    capabilities. E.g. - if a header of a page said something
    like <META Capability:Javascript=NO> or some such thing (I won't
    quibble about syntax), then it would disallow any javascript
    further on down. Note, I don't advocate _increases_, which of
    course would cause all sorts of security headaches. But this
    way, a site would be able to present data from an untrusted
    party, knowing confidently it had blocked all Javascript,
    instead of trying to write code to think of every scenario
    that might need to be blocked.
    Now that I think about it, what sorts of security risks
    might exist (if any) by being able to send messages that
    have APPLET tags imbedded in them? Might someone be able
    to create a message with an imbedded applet that looked
    like it should request userid/password, and since the
    applet comes from the offending site, thus be able to
    send the userid/password pair BACK to the offending site
    (of course for as long as the site was able to stay
    up before it was attacked :))?
    Brian Hampson wrote:
    > I can't see that Hotmail will ever be able to block javascript if this is the
    > could replace any letter, or any combination of letters.
    > Major coding hassle.
    Thomas Reinke                            Tel: (416) 460-7021
    Director of Technology                   Fax: (416) 598-2319
    E-Soft Inc.               

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