tcpdump under RedHat 6.1

From: Renaud Deraison (deraisonat_private)
Date: Sat Oct 09 1999 - 01:32:47 PDT

  • Next message: Dennis Conrad: "Re: Sample DOS against the Sambar HTTP-Server"

    RedHat 6.1 comes bundled with a modified version of tcpdump, which has
    the ability to listen on all the interfaces at once, which is nice.
    However, the output format has changed. Whereas a typical tcpdump
    line was :
    time source.port > dest.port:[.....]
    It is now :
    time interface > source.port > dest.port:[....]
    time interface < source.port > dest.port:[....]
    If you explicitely ask tcpdump to listen on one interface, the
    output will be :
    time > source.port > dest.port:[....]
    time < source.port > dest.port:[....]
    Also, the 'port' is no longer a numeric value. It is taken from
    /etc/services, even with the -n option set.
    This new behavior will make a lot of programs that use tcpdump's
    output panic or produce bogus output. I think shadow is affected,
    but it's not the only one.
    I have been looking through the man page, and I could not find an option
    to issue a backward compatible output. What is worst is that
    tcpdump --version will show up the same version numbers (3.4) than
    the older tcpdumps, so this problem will only be detected at runtime.
    So, if you have written your own custom scripts or if some of the programs
    you use are relying on tcpdump, then install the tcpdump that comes
    bundled with RH 6.0, or modify your scripts so that they can handle this
    				-- Renaud
    (apologies if this was already known)
    Renaud Deraison 		
    The Nessus Project

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