Re: BUG: Win NT TCP/IP Security filters does not get enforced

From: David LeBlanc (dleblancat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 12 1999 - 10:33:54 PDT

  • Next message: Shawn Tagseth: "I'm an idiot...."

    At 03:21 PM 10/10/99 +0200, Stefan Norberg wrote:
    >However, I still consider it a bug. The GUI is misleading. If I configure
    >the TCP/IP security using the GUI to "Permit *only* IP protocols: 6 (TCP)".
    >Then EVERYTHING including ICMP and UDP (regardless of other settings) should
    >be denied and NT should send an ICMP unreachable.
    The GUI could definately be improved - here's the deal - the protocol box
    allows you to regulate any protocols except TCP, UDP and ICMP.  The other 2
    boxes regulate TCP and UDP respectively - the protocol box won't control
    them.  Note that ICMP isn't controlled by this dialog at all.  IMHO, the
    online help could also be improved - none of these details are in the
    online help.  Also note that this dialog controls _incoming_ packets only -
    outgoing packets are _not_ regulated.  IIRC, frags are filtered after
    Hope this helps.
    David LeBlanc

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