I'm an idiot....

From: Shawn Tagseth (stagsethat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 12 1999 - 12:05:40 PDT

  • Next message: David LeBlanc: "Re: RFP9903: AeDubug vulnerabilty"

    Regarding that stupid message that I just sent:
    I knew it was an email worm.  In the progress of erasing it I must of
    hit enter, or double clicked on it.
    Maybe my mouse should be taken away from me.....
    When the attached file is executed, it will create the following two
    It will also create a file called LINKS.VBS in the root of all network
    drives that are currently mapped. Next, the worm will modify the
    following registry to execute every time the machine boots up:
    After infecting a system, it will displays a dialog box title "Free XXX
    links" with following content:
    This will add a shortcut to free XXX links on your desktop. Do you want
    to continue.
    If the user selects yes, it will create a shortcut pointing to an adult
    It also searches for MIRC32.EXE and PIRCH98.EXE chat programs in C:\MIRC
    C:\PIRCH98, C:\PROGRAM FILES and the sub directories of each of these
    directories. If it finds either of these programs, it will modify the
    corresponding SCRIPT.INI file or EVENTS.INI located in the same
    directory.  These INI files will cause LINKS.VBS to be sent to other
    people  during the IRC sessions.

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