Re: Compaq Alpha Bounds Checking

From: Crispin Cowan (crispinat_private)
Date: Thu Oct 21 1999 - 11:02:09 PDT

  • Next message: Brett Lymn: "Re: Compaq Alpha Bounds Checking"

    Solar Designer wrote:
    > >      foo() {
    > >              char x[50];
    > >
    > >              gets(x);
    > >      }
    > I would _not_ expect this case to be covered by the compiler's bounds
    > checking.  This is in fact the reason I didn't use a strcpy() when
    > demonstrating the bounds checking to you in my first post about ccc.
    Understood.  Unfortunately, this had the effect of hiding the things the compiler
    doesn't do.  I understand how the compiler would be unable to affect a
    pre-compiled library, but I assumed that they would provide standard libraries
    that had been compiled with bounds checking, and supply that version of the
    library when you use the -check_bounds option.  Since a very large proportion of
    "array bounds" problems have to do with improper use of library functions, this
    is a critical issue.
    > This was so obvious for me that I forgot to mention this on the list,
    > sorry.  Now I realize that when saying "bounds checking" people often
    > mean "complete protection", or close to that (with DoS in mind).
    That's what I mean.  That appears to be what Jones & Kelly meant:
    If ccc is used to compile all library functions, then I would (reasonably?)
    expect complete protection.  StackGuard has a similar issue:  if you link to
    libraries that are not StackGuard-compiled, then vulnerabilities within the
    library can be exploited.  This is why we ship StackGuarded libraries from
    > Speaking of the usage of gets() and such, even if the compiler was
    > able to pass bounds checking information down to functions (which ccc
    > doesn't do), it would at least require that you also recompile those
    > functions themselves.
    Ow!  Bounds checking info doesn't get passed to functions?  That DEFINITELY
    limits the security effectiveness of this form of bounds checking.  It
    considerably limits the debugging effectiveness.
    > Well, they could be more verbose in their description, yes.  As for
    > the "no protection"
    > -- this wasn't meant as a security feature, but
    > there's _some_ protection, it's just far from being complete.
    Agreed :-)
    > Finally, as this also goes to BugTraq this time, here's a piece of my
    > first post on the subject that shows a case where bounds checking can
    > work (and does indeed work) --
    I tried Solar's code, and it does indeed "work", where "work" is defined as
    "bounds checking on explicit array references that are local to a function."
    Assorted other things produced all kinds of interesting side effects with
    -check_bounds turned on :-)  For example, this program:
    [pbakke@spe85 ~]$ cat test3.c
    foocpy(char * to, char * from, int count)
            for (; count-- && *from; *to++ = *from++) {}
    main() {
            char a[25];
            char x[100];
            char b[12];
            char y[100];
            printf("a=>%s<, b=>%s<\n", a, b);
            foocpy(b, a, 25);
            /* strcpy(b, a); */
            printf("a=>%s<, b=>%s<\n", a, b);
    [pbakke@spe85 ~]$ ccc -check_bounds test3.c -o test3
    test3.o: In function `main':
    test3.o(.text+0x60): the `gets' function is dangerous and should not be used.
    [pbakke@spe85 ~]$ ./test3
    a=>jjjjjjj<, b=><
    a=>jjjjjjj<, b=>jjjjjjj<
    [pbakke@spe85 ~]$ ./test3
    a=>jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj<, b=><
    I just massively overflowed the b[] array, entirely in my own code.  ccc
    -check_bounds didn't see it, either because it didn't pass the bounds down to the
    function, or because it doesn't deal with pointer arithmetic.
    If this is the intended behavior, and I misunderstood what is meant by "check
    bounds", mea culpa :-)
    Crispin Cowan, CTO, WireX Communications, Inc.
    Free Hardened Linux Distribution:       

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