Re: Insecure handling of NetSol maintainer passwords

From: Sean Sosik-Hamor (sshat_private)
Date: Thu Nov 11 1999 - 06:06:12 PST

  • Next message: Olaf Kirch: "Re: [linux-security] Re: undocumented bugs - nfsd"

    Jefferson Ogata <jogataat_private> wrote:
    # I have also noticed a problem with Network Solutions' handling of
    # passwords for CRYPT-PW authentication: when you submit the password
    # initially, the form they generate with their New Contact Form web
    # system runs the password you enter through crypt(), but the first
    # two characters of the encrypted value (the salt) are the same as the
    # first two characters of the password, indicating they use the
    # password as its own salt.
    I originally found this and reported it to them in 1996.  Since then,
    I've sent them numerous emails and called them four or five times.
    Each time, I was told that "it would be looked into."  So, here it is
    three years later.  Yay.

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