[ COBALT ] Security Advisory - syslog

From: Jeff Bilicki (jeffbat_private)
Date: Sat Nov 20 1999 - 16:05:36 PST

  • Next message: Alan Olsen: "Re: Oracle 8 root exploit"

    Cobalt Networks -- Security Advisory -- 11.20.1999
    The syslogd server uses a Unix Domain stream socket (/dev/log) for
    receiving local log messages via syslog(3). Unix Domain stream sockets
    are non connection-less, that means, that  one process is needed to
    serve one client.
    By opening a lot of local syslog connections a user with shell access
    could stop the system from responding.
    Problem and description text was taken from:
    Relevant products and architectures:
    Product         Architecture    	Vulnerable
    Qube1		MIPS			Yes
    Qube2		MIPS			Yes
    RaQ1		MIPS			Yes
    RaQ2		MIPS			Yes
    RaQ3		x86			Yes
    -RaQ1 RaQ2 Qube1 Qube2-
    MD5 sum				Package Name
    2b5f2e422a82e84237c184762a16e2f2 sysklogd-1.3.33-9C1.i386.rpm
    dd4c696ef40cc0b6bf3f2a5b23cd9dcf sysklogd-1.3.33-9C2.mips.rpm
    You can verify each rpm using the following command:
    rpm --checksig  [package]
    To install, use the following command, while logged in as root:
    rpm -U [package]
    The package file format (pkg) for this fix is currently in testing, and
    will be available in the near future.
    Jeff Bilicki
    Cobalt Networks

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