Re: local users can panic linux kernel (was: SuSE syslogd

From: Darren Reed (avalonat_private)
Date: Wed Nov 24 1999 - 19:26:31 PST

  • Next message: pedwardat_private: "Re: WordPad/riched20.dll buffer overflow"

    In some mail from Savochkin Andrey Vladimirovich, sie said:
    > > sockets in this environment leads to false beliefs about what happens
    > > at the other end.  The syslog-sec mailling list has been discussing some
    > With stream socket I get absolutely correct information: if I get a
    > communication error then my message isn't properly logged.
    Well, it may be that thinking of TCP/UDP reliability in terms of Unix
    domain sockets (stream/datagram) is not correct.  If other comments are
    correct, then short of network buffer problems, there's no discerable
    difference in the reliability of either streams or datagrams.
    Flooding kernel log buffers (in BSD unix at least) can be done if you
    expend enough effort dedicated to the task.

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