Re: NT WinLogon VM contains plaintext password visible in admin

From: Chris Paget (mad.nutterat_private)
Date: Wed Dec 08 1999 - 03:01:38 PST

  • Next message: Renaud Deraison: "Re: FTP denial of service attack"

    >I contacted MS about this and they indicated it was fixed in
    >NT 4.0 SP5 - I have not retested it on SP5 yet to be sure.  
    This has been fixed under NT4 SP6 - the first 10,000 bytes of the
    winlogon process are not accessible, and the rest of the memory space
    appears to have nothing interesting in it - all I managed to retrieve
    were actual environment variables.  Windows 2000 RC2 is the same - I
    have not tested RC3, but I would assume it too is fixed.
    Chris Paget
    C++ Developer - NetInvest LTD.

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