Clarification needed on the snoop vuln(s)

From: Alfred Huger (ahat_private)
Date: Thu Dec 09 1999 - 11:56:11 PST

  • Next message: Alfred Huger: "Clarification needed on the snoop vuln(s) (fwd)"

    As you all know, we have recently seen two /usr/sbin/snoop overflows.
    Posted by both ISS and w00w00. Sun has released patches for the ISS
    vulnerability, what I am wondering is, does this also solve the w00w00
    For referance the patches in question are:
    Solaris 7	sparc	108482-01
    Solaris 7 	x86	108483-01
    Solaris 5.6	sparc	108492-01
    Solaris 5.6	x86	108493-01
    Solaris 5.5	sparc	108501-01
    Solaris 5.5	x86	108502-01
    Solaris 5.4	sparc	108490-01
    Solaris 5.4	x86	108491-01
    Solaris 5.3	sparc	108489-01
    The vulnerabilties in question are:
    ISS /usr/sbin/snoop:
    w00w00 /usr/sbin/snoop overflow:
    Alfred Huger
    VP of Engineering

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