Re: SSH 1 Why?

From: Emiliano Kargieman (core.lists.bugtraq@CORE-SDI.COM)
Date: Wed Dec 15 1999 - 11:34:27 PST

  • Next message: David Schwartz: "Re: sshd1 allows unencrypted sessions regardless of server policy"

    "Daniel P. Zepeda" wrote:
    > Hi,
    >         I've seen a lot of discussion about SSH 1 on this list. I read
    > somewhere that even the authors of SSH recommended that SSH1 *not* be used
    > anymore because there were some major holes in it, and that anybody
    > serious should upgrade to SSH2. What am I missing here?
    The short answer: theres a hughe installed base of SSH 1.
    The long one:
    Well, there is a problem in the way SSH protocol version 1.x (implemented in
    versions 1.x of the SSH software packages) handles integrity checking of the
    encrypted channel, that could allow an attacker to insert arbitrary commands
    to be executed on the server. This problem is inherent to the protocol and
    although there are ways to detect this attack, an upgrade of the protocol is
    recommended. See
    What you are missing is the following: upgrading to SSH 2 implies upgrading to
    version 2 of the protocol, in order to prevent the abovementioned problem you
    can no longer support compatibility with version 1.x of the protocol. So you
    have to update all your SSH servers and clients.
    In the real world (somewhere around here?) updating all this clients takes can
    take a long time, so even if you are upgrading to version 2 you need to keep
    backwards compatibility for a while... that means, any problems found in SSH 1
    still concern a lot of people (see the short answer for details).
    Emiliano Kargieman <>
    Director de Investigacion - CoreLabs - Core-SDI S.A.
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