Re: ssh 1.2.27 exploit

From: Beto (core.lists.bugtraq@CORE-SDI.COM)
Date: Thu Dec 16 1999 - 11:21:43 PST

  • Next message: Robert Horvick: "Re: NT WinLogon VM contains plaintext password visible in admin m"

    Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
    > You also didn't include exploit_key:
    That's right, not a big issue, just create a public/private key pairs
    using ssh_keygen and rename the private key to exploit_key. Put the key
    in the current directory you are running the exploit, and remember to
    set the correct file permisions (and owner).
    Also, there's another thing you have to make to compile the exploit.
    After running configure, edit the Makefile and add -DSSH_EXPLOIT to the
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