Re: Wmmon under FreeBSD

From: Greg A. Woods (woodsat_private)
Date: Wed Dec 29 1999 - 09:05:51 PST

  • Next message: Brock Sides: "Re: majordomo local exploit"

    [ On Friday, December 24, 1999 at 20:27:01 (+0000), Dominic Mitchell wrote: ]
    > Subject: Re: Wmmon under FreeBSD
    > Under modern BSD4.4, the preferred method is using sysctl(3),(8), as
    > opposed to kernfs.
    That's not completely true and misses the bigger picture entirely.
    According to McKusick, Bostic, Karels, and Quarterman the "sysctl()"
    interface is indeed designed to resolve the problems associated with
    giving read, and especially write access to all of /dev/kmem (even if
    through a set-user-id program that restricts what any given user can see
    or do for any given purpose).
    However the primary use sysctl(2) is actually put to in 4.4BSD is for
    accessing information about networking protocols, and for allowing
    user-level programs to write to kernel data structures (and thus affect
    run-time configuration changes) after the security level of the kernel
    has been raised such that writes to /dev/kmem are impossible.
    If indeed sysctl(2) had been intented as the primary interace to all
    kernel memory structures however they would not have implemented /kernfs
    and /procfs.  Note that no mention is ever made of ever using sysctl()
    to implement utilities such as "ps".
    In later analysis it has become obvious to many people that even though
    sysctl() provides a hierarchical namespace, it isn't quite as useful as
    it would be if it were actually a virtual filesystem providing not only
    a hierarchical namespsace, but all of the other semantics of a
    filesystem as well.
    Indeed many other systems have gone on to show that a true virtual
    filesystem interface to kernel subsystems has many advantages over even
    a sysctl()-like interface that's restricted to binary programs and
    perhaps a single, but hopefully generic, user-level interface tool.
    							Greg A. Woods
    +1 416 218-0098      VE3TCP      <gwoodsat_private>      <robohack!woods>
    Planix, Inc. <woodsat_private>; Secrets of the Weird <woodsat_private>

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