JS problem in NS4.5 - known?

From: Nick Phillips (nwp@LEMON-COMPUTING.COM)
Date: Wed Jan 05 2000 - 05:46:05 PST

  • Next message: Metal Hurlant: "Re: Hotmail security hole - injecting JavaScript using <IMG"

    Interestingly enough, when I just read Edwin Gonzalez' message (re: JS
    and Hotmail) in
    Messenger 4.5 (the most recent available version under Debian "slink"),
    I got a
    Javascript alert box appear.
    This despite the fact that according to my preferences, javascript is
    turned off for
    Mail & News. I've tested it again with javascript allegedly entirely
    disabled, and it
    still pops up the alert.
    I haven't tested this with more recent versions yet, and I don't know
    whether it's a
    known problem (there seem to be so many...)
    Oh, and it also crashes netscape when I try to reply to that message.
    But then again,
    netscape under Linux does seem to crash rather a lot anyway, so I'm not
    blaming the javascript for that.
    Time to get fetchmail set up on this box so I can use mutt...

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