Re: Hotmail security hole - injecting JavaScript using <IMG

From: Ajax (ajaxat_private)
Date: Tue Jan 11 2000 - 08:48:33 PST

  • Next message: Oliver Friedrichs: "Re: L0pht Advisory: LPD, RH 4.x,5.x,6.x"

    >> In my dream world, languages like HTML would be required by their own
    >> bylaws to explicitly enumerate at least the most blatantly insecure
    >> features.  There *ought* to be a list somewhere of what tags can have
    >> javascript as a value, maintained by whichever authority is in charge of
    >> determining such things.  Granted this only reduces the (potential)
    >> vulnerability to a race condition -- between the updating of the
    >> standard and the updating of site filters -- but it's probably as good
    >> as we can hope to get.
    >No, it is not.  Why are everybody missing the obvious here?
    >It is TRIVIAL to make filters not have these kinds of security
    >problems.  The clue is that any security filter MUST default to
    >*D E N Y*, not pass.  Any security filter that denies 'bad' stuff and
    >passes everything else is BROKEN.
    >None of these problems would have occurred if MS had stuck to this
    >trivial basic of secure systems design.
    I'm gonna say that this is untrue for HTML.  The language simply moves
    too much.  If some tag, previously thought safe, becomes extended by a
    particular browser or the language specification itself, then until the
    filter is updated a potential vulnerability exists.
    Think of it this way: imagine .forward files didn't have the ability to
    point to a pipeline, only another email address.  You might have a
    script in place to verify the listed addresses, but other than that...
    Now imagine we put that functionality back; all of a sudden, your filter
    is no longer adequate, and it must be updated.  Now obviously this
    overlooks the fact that pipelines and simple addresses have different
    syntaxes, but I believe the point is made.
    Obviously a filter designed for one application or even one version of a
    language will *not* be appropriate for anything else.  I don't apply
    javascript filters to perl scripts the same way I don't filter water
    with the screen from my front door.  I'll even go so far as to suggest
    that the fact that we're even *dealing* with a versioned language
    suggests the logical improbability of secure design.
    Which leads me back to my original assertion: either we come up with a
    fix for the language, invent a replacement, or engage in the current
    scrambles at every revision.  This last is a race we cannot hope to keep
    winning, particularly when we aren't even on the ball currently.
    .a.j.a.x. @
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